We advocate to our partners and directly liaise with governing bodies to ensure our members are heard.
We provide members regular reports on the current and future state of freight in SA and nation-wide.
We are in contact with all levels of government and consult with members on the future of freight policy.
Our members get access to our latest reports, helpful utilities and networking opportunities.
A Bit About Us
We are the “Multi-modal Freight Advocacy” people.
We Exist to ensure freight moves in the most efficient, effective and safe manner from, to and through SA.
We do this through positive engagement with members, stakeholders and government being responsive to immediate needs, proactive to future opportunities and conscious of the needs and aspirations of stakeholders.
What's best
for you!

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SAFC is a key collective of business leaders and influencers. Being a part of SAFC not only provides you with excellent networking opportunities , it also gives your business a range of valuable benefits

SA Freight Snapshot
Snapshot of South Australia's Freight Supply Chain
Road freight represents over 83% of domestic freight in South Australia, while rail freight accounts for less than 6%.
South Australia's merchandise exports heavily rely on industries such as food, agriculture, and resources, which require efficient freight supply chains and routes to reach international markets.
The state's road network, particularly in regional areas, faces challenges with poor conditions that limit efficiency and productivity.
South Australia has 10 operational ports, with sufficient capacity within the existing ports to manage the forecast export and import tasks.
Adelaide's metropolitan area requires an efficient freight network to avoid congestion and ensure timely deliveries.
Optimisation of air freight capacity through increased connections and added flexibility is crucial for transporting high-value South Australian produce to international markets.
Identifying key economic corridors and planning interventions to create more efficient supply chains by addressing pinch points and road upgrades is essential.
Government involvement is important in facilitating multi-user proposals that contribute to economic growth and improving landside access to ports.

Stay Up To Date
Our newsletter aims to inform members of what is going on in the space, trying to make complex issues understandable and updating members as to what’s on (meetings, networking opportunities etc)