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About Membership

SAFC is a key collective of business leaders and influencers. Being a part of SAFC not only provides you with excellent networking opportunities, it also gives your business a range of valuable benefits

Membership Benefits


Advocacy assistance on matters of key importance to your company. For some members this has involved: speaking directly to Ministers, issuing press releases, attending public meetings, live media interviews, opinion pieces in the Advertiser or other journals and submissions to a variety of bodies including the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP), ESCOSA, the ACCC and the Productivity Commission


Input into the development of SAFC’s key advocacy positions, such as out infrastructure and regulatory policy blueprints, Moving Freight and Regulating Freight. Moving Freight has proven to be a very effective blueprint with the vast majority of our “Urgent” and “High” priority projects either complete or underway,


SAFC contribute to discussions across all modes - recent media commitments have included input on Rail Safety, Maintenance and upgrades on Regional Highways and Container Biosecurity issues. SAFC are also in regular consultation with State and National bodies across all modes


Access to events that provide critical information on the key issues affecting the freight sector in SA


Joining a community of like-minded multimodal businesses to share ideas and business opportunities


Apply For Membership

If you would like to have your say, and make sure your voice is heard, applying for a membership with SAFC is easy.

Simply fill out our application form online to get started.